Kingmaker Session XXXIII: Mopping up the swamp

Last Thursday we returned to our Pathfinder campaign, a bit different with a week between seasons instead of a couple of months. The session was one part kingdom building and one part stand-alone encounters as we mopped up the remain threats that was linked to book 4.

1st of Kuthona

As the winter has truly set in, we have decided to continue to explore the Hooktongue Slough. We had heard rumours of a many-headed hydra residing somewhere in the south-western part of the swamp and Jonah was eager to head out and adventure as we used to. We have made Tok-Nikrat our staring place and will traverse the almost frozen marsh landscape the coming days.

5th of Kuthona

Having searched the southern reaches, today as we were heading north-westward we came upon a warmer more humid part of the swamp. Shoshana spotted something huge lurking in the depths of the murky swamp water and as Jonah ventured forth (he should really be kept back, he is after all our duke) a gigantic hydra launched itself from the lake and stomped towards us, its many heads flailing wildly. We had prepared for such an encounter, and carefully avoiding hitting the heads we focused solely on attacking the body and soon the once fearsome hydra lay dead on the ground. Counting the heads I noted we had killed a 13 headed variant of the species. Certainly some form for record in these parts of the world.

Our brave duke engage the hydra in melee combat

8th of Kuthona

Don’t smell the flowers! I don’t know who, but I guess either Summer or Shoshana got careless and decided to smell some random swamp flowers today. Of course the flowers had hidden threats and released a cloud of spores. As we coughed and our eyes watered I say that both Shoshana and Jonah collapsed to the ground, paralyzed by the spores. I realized we had disturbed a patch of Azur lilies. Luckily the effect would wear off in a couple of hours so we decided to just wait out the effect. As we waited Aiden cleared the area for flowers with a couple of magical fireballs.

20th of Kuthona

We have returned to Bearwich in time for the Winter solstice. Some few parts remain unexplored in Hooktongue Slough, but that will have to wait. The next few weeks will be spent in Bearwich as we make ready for the Lovefeast celebration followed by the Winter ball. The new academy is almost ready to be opened and will admit the first students in Abadius. We have also heard rumors of robbers that have been active in the south of Caerberia but we have tasked Kesten with sorting out the trouble and him or some of his more unsavory minions will certainly settle the matter in a few days time.

6th of Abadius

Some of our company grow restless if they spend too much time in the city and doing paperwork. Even I sometimes grow weary of the seemingly endless amount of admin needed to run a ever-expanding kingdom. Luckily we have decided to return Hooktongue Slough and finish exploring the swamp. I have plans to build a road from Fort Drelev through the swamp, enhancing the connection between the various parts of Caerberia. Building roads in the swamp in both time consuming and a costly affair, but first we need to make sure there’s no more hidden threats in the dark swamp.

17th of Abadius

Exiting the swamp in the west, today we found a camp of refugees nestled at the edge of Hooktongue Slough. They told us they were fleeing from the oppressive and authoritarian rule of Pitax. Ever since King Castruccio Irovetti had taken the throne the kingdom had become ever harsher and inhospitable for certain people and these were now flewing, seeking a safe haven in Caerberia. They had heard great things of Bearwich and its benelovent ruler! They had stopped and set up camp here as they had encountered and fled from the dreaded hydra. Telling them we had dealt with the monster they were in awe of our accomplishments. We agreed to take them to Fort Drelev, that would be a much faster and safer route to Bearwich than crossing the swamp in these winter months.

20th of Abadius

It is one thing to explore and fend for ourselves in the wilderness, a whole other ball game trying to protect helpless refugees as you are being attacked by vile monsters! Today as we were making our way north towards Fort Drelev we spotted a cave entrance among the hilly landscape. Summer found several bone remains and as we heard a weird gnarling sound we readied for combat. Suddenly a chimera flew out of nowhere and snatched up one refugee and gobbled him up. Chimera are horrible magical creatures. a lions body with wings, the most striking feature is the three heads, a lion, a ram and a dragon. Chimeras come in different variants, and the colour of the dragon head hints of what breath weapon it has. This was green headed one, but before we could act another chimera appeared from inside the cave and lunged towards Summer – this a black headed chimera. As the black headed chimera sprayed Summer with an acid breath weapon a third chimera appeared – this a white headed one!

A chimera swoops down and eats a refugee

If we had been only us, we probably would have dealt more quickly with the threat, but now we had to protect more than dozen of panicking civilians. I cast a fly spell on Jonah so he could engage one of the chimera. Shoshana is usually deadly with her bow spent most of her times trying to heal the heavily damaged humans. Flying, Jonah quickly made shish kebab of the green headed chimera while an enlarged Kato took a big chunk out of the black headed on, letting it bleed out. In the end it was me that delivered the final blow and snipped the white headed one out of the sky with my trusty magic missile spell. We had lost just 6 refugees in the battle, not too bad a result, and the still living was very grateful, as they should be.

Looting the cave we also discovered some valuable items. Most notable I found the remains of a boggard still carrying a magical bracers and a wand still charged with lightning bolt spells.

23th of Abadius

Having reached Fort Drelev, we said farewell to the refugees and teleported back to Bearwich, leaving just Aiden to open the new stockyard in the town. This will hopefully increase our food supply, Personally I’m heading to Varnhold in a couple of days to open the orphanage to hold our “children”. We are also excited to have Elga move into the new ivory tower in Bearwich, which will certainly increase the influx of magical items to Bearwich.

2th of Calistril

As a new month begins, we have decided on a new exploration adventure. With possible future threat to the west in the kingdom of Pitax, we have decide we need to explore region west of Fort Drelev. First stop is the surrounding area of Armag’s tomb.

5th of Calistril

Today we found a secret camp of supplies controlled by a group of hill giants. They had obviously been raiding these parts of the land, but now as we have retaken the materials they will certainly come to good use in Fort Drelev. It began as we again found a cave searching the hills north of the Armag’s tomb. Hearing deep voices from inside we slowly approached before encountering 3 hill giants. Jonah first tried his people skills urging them to lay down and surrender peacefully. The opted for the second option and attack. It was a bad decision as they were quickly put to death.

Besides various supplies I also uncovered some minor potions and jewelry .

12th of Calistril

This journey is turning into a regular cave adventure. Yet another cave was discovered and explored today. What I can best describe as a mix between a weasel and a badger awaited us inside. The furry small critters had 8 legs and a fierce temper! The couple we encountered also proved extreme resilient and difficult to kill. Honestly, it took more effort to kill those small bastards than a giant owlbear! They almost ripped Jonah apart with their many claw attacks, but luckily Aiden was standby and healed him when needed. We finally managed to put the creatures down, and searching the cave found several minor magical items.

20th of Calistril

While searching the more open plains to the west of Fort Drelev, today we met some very unusual horses. They looked ordinary enough, I’m no horse expert, but they looked almost majestically as they rode freely over the grass. This was the herd lead by the horse the locals calls Windchaser. A spoilt rich noblewoman back in Fort Drelev had asked us to bring her a horse from the Windchaser herd so I cast mye speak with animals and tried to converse with the alpha horse. Much to our surprise he answered in the human tongue! A talking horse? What are the odds of find that out here in the wilderness? While we tried to convince him he should give up one of his horse and let it live in Fort Drelev, he wasn’t impressed and in the end we parted on friendly terms, but without any horse. That Fort Drelev princess would just have to find another horse.

30th of Calistril

Catastrophe has struck! Or rather, it will strike soon. I have just been told that our granaries are running dangerously low after much food have been spolit and that we might face a famine in the next month if we do not take drastic measure to import more food supply. This will certainly hurt our coffers, but I have been told by Oleg that we will scrape through somehow – but who really can trust such an incompetent man as Oleg?

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