Kingmaker session XXXIV: No combat, just exploring

We have been fairly active on Roll20 these last few weeks player RPG, but only some of the time have been spent on our ongoing Pathfinder campaign as we also have tried playing some DnD 5th edition. This session happened last saturday and somewhat surprising we had no combat an just made a few rolls in our kingdom building phases. We left the session as we have arrived at the Ruslight tournament (more on that later).

1st of Pharast

While I’m still worried about our food shortage going into this month, Jonah seemed eager to explore and charter more of our lands to the east. So we have now mounted an expedition to Tors Levenies.

15th of Pharast

We discovered a natural cave system that could be turned into a profitable mining project. Traveling towards the mountain range we spotted a cave opening among the rolling hills. Venturing inside we were spooked by some eerie noise, but we realised that it was made by the wind passing through small natural holes in the caves floor and walls. Shoshana peered through the holes and saw the walls glitter with gemstones. It seems we might have come upon a small gemstone mine.

20th of Pharast

The exploring of the landscape have been slow going, and we decided to return to Bearwich (thanks to my teleportation spells this kind of travels are easy-peasy). We have sent some dwarfs to claim our shimmering grotto. We have just enough food to scrape through the month without having our people starving, but it also means I have to postpone my grand plans for the various towns in our country.

1st of Gozran

We have returned to exploring the Tors Levenies. Before leaving the capital I caught the whiff of rumors of a black dragon that is said to roam these part of the country. The dragon is said to be named Ilthuliak and something I certainly don’t want to encounter, but if he truly lives in these parts of the world we are destined to clash sooner or later.

15th of Gozran

Today we found what must surely have been the lair of a female silver dragon. It was now empty except for the decapitated skeleton remains of the dragon. It is not a fresh kill, Shoshana estimates it died 10 to 12 years ago. We also gather enough silver and black dragon scales that Aiden could make a suit of armor back in Bearwich.

Our heroes discover a dragon skeleton

26th of Gozran

During today’s Prayer day we unveiled a magnificent statue of our new king Jonah, made by the world-renown artist Flavinus. Caerberia has expanded so much these last few months that Jonah now claim the title of king – and I gifted him a magical circlet of persuasion as symbol of his new status.

1st of Desnus

We have received an interesting invitation from our neighbouring kingdom Pitax. A messenger bearing the name Velemandr was granted an audience and delivered a personal invitation from king Irovetti. Something called the Ruslight tournament is set to begin in 2 months time, the highlight being a contest comprised of 4 separate events. Several of the kingdoms in Stolen Lands will participate. When Velemandr left us Jonah jumped on the idea and we are already preparing for our participation. As mentioned the contest is made up of 4 events, an archery test, a wood-chopping event, a boasting competition and finally what can best described as a drunken jousting tournament. The winner receiving a powerful magical item known as a Rod of Lordly Might.

16th of Desnus

While Jonah’s head is perhaps already in Pitax and the Ruslight campionship, we continue to explore the northern parts of Tor Levenies. Today we encountered a large herd of mastodons, but we agreed to let them be.

Encountering the herd

31st of Desnus

Foundation Day is always special, and with Jonah now a proper king the day is even more grandiose and entertaining. I have received words that a black market has opened up just adjacent to our proper market in Bearwich – this is could be valuable source of income, but we will have to make sure crime doesn’t rise and a thieves guild grows in power. Local vandals have been terrorizing the locals, but the new King Jonah have made them fall into rank. More refugees has also flooded in to Fort Drelev from Pitax, this includes troublemakers and beggars and we need to do something with the housing situation in Fort Drelev, if not we could have a riot on our hands…

1st of Sarenith

We have arrived at the sit for this year’s Ruslight championship. Walking around the area we have started to size up the competition and also take notes on how to arrange our own tournaments back in Caerberia. Besides Pitax and our self, delegations from Daggermark, Gralton, Mivon and Tymon have arrived. The last year’s champion is a barbarian named Villamor Koth, hailing from Pitax he particpated in 3 out of the 4 competitions.

The festival ground.

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