Playing DnD 5e

There hasn’t been much time for board games these last few weeks, even though regulations here in Norway are pretty much back to normal as the coronavirus has been beaten down. I have had the pleasure of playing on the updated version of Eclipse: Second Dawn of the Galaxy (ending dead last).

This post however is more about RPG, as the last few weeks I’ve been playing Dungeon & Dragons 5th edition. Regular readers should know I have been playing Pathfinder RPG on and off the last few years, with a few ventures into Call of Cthulhu RPG and Savage Worlds RPG. This has been my first attempt in 5th edition and I’m pleasantly surprised. Yes, the system is very simple with a lot fewer options concerning character creation compared to what we have been treated to in Pathfinder and previous DnD editions.

As we still have had some restrictions on gatherings, these sessions have been held online at the Roll20 platform. Below is a screenshot of what we’ve been up to these last few weeks (we’ve just started playing the Dragon Heist campaign).

We encounter a drow in a Waterdeep back alley!

I also have begun preparing to DM in 5e for the first time, picking Storm King’s Thunder, which includes buying the module from the Roll20 marketplace, making things a lot easier for a DM (at least I hope so…), as being a DM often takes up way too much time and effort.

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