Some pics from our DnD one-off

Before we began our Waterdeep-campaign on Roll20 we ran a little one-off – the first attempt with the 5e rules for some of us (including me). This took us to Icewind Dale and searching for a cure to a magical disease that had started to spread. Sorting my picture folder I came over some of the snaps I took when we were adventuring, so I thought I’d upload them so you can see how it’s playing DnD on the platform. Interestingly these are the same characters (some slightly modified) we have taken to the Waterdeep-campaign.

The characters on the overview map over Icewind Dale.
Attacking some dwarves!
Dealing with bats and more dwarves
Surrounded by zombies
A giant squid ambushes us!
The whole complex were we found the cure.

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