Some pics from our DnD one-off

Before we began our Waterdeep-campaign on Roll20 we ran a little one-off – the first attempt with the 5e rules for some of us (including me). This took us to Icewind Dale and searching for a cure to a magical disease that had started to spread. Sorting my picture folder I came over some ofContinue reading “Some pics from our DnD one-off”

Playing DnD 5e

There hasn’t been much time for board games these last few weeks, even though regulations here in Norway are pretty much back to normal as the coronavirus has been beaten down. I have had the pleasure of playing on the updated version of Eclipse: Second Dawn of the Galaxy (ending dead last). This post howeverContinue reading “Playing DnD 5e”

Kingmaker session XXXIV: No combat, just exploring

We have been fairly active on Roll20 these last few weeks player RPG, but only some of the time have been spent on our ongoing Pathfinder campaign as we also have tried playing some DnD 5th edition. This session happened last saturday and somewhat surprising we had no combat an just made a few rollsContinue reading “Kingmaker session XXXIV: No combat, just exploring”

Kingmaker Session XXXIII: Mopping up the swamp

Last Thursday we returned to our Pathfinder campaign, a bit different with a week between seasons instead of a couple of months. The session was one part kingdom building and one part stand-alone encounters as we mopped up the remain threats that was linked to book 4. 1st of Kuthona As the winter has trulyContinue reading “Kingmaker Session XXXIII: Mopping up the swamp”

Kingmaker session XXXII: Back on Track!

Most readers have probably already forgot, but our ongoing Kingmaker campaign is in fact still running. Last session was way way back in August 2019 so even the Gamemaster and us players were rusty and needed some time to get to grips with how Roll20 worked. We are nearly at the end of book 4Continue reading “Kingmaker session XXXII: Back on Track!”

Games played: Week 14

Another week into the corona-pandemic and things are proceeding fairly quiet here in Norway. Still no time for game nights, but a solid mix of board games played over the internet and with my family means I “filled my quota” of board games this week as well. Can’t Stop # of plays (online): 4 ThisContinue reading “Games played: Week 14”

Games played: week 13

How are you all holding up in your isolation inspiration stations during this corona-pandemic? Personally things aren’t that different from how my week usually looks like – most of my work has been done from home for many years now. There aren’t game nights being organized, but I can still play games solo and withContinue reading “Games played: week 13”

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