Top 5 of 2019: Anime Shows

Continuing our roundup of the best of 2019, today I look at the best new anime shows of 2019. I say new as I’ve decided to focus only on new adaptations and not include returning series. In fact, quite a few popular series returned for a new season in 2019, shows like One Punch Man,Continue reading “Top 5 of 2019: Anime Shows”

The Anime Autumn Season

As the summer titles are finishing, this week saw the start of the first of anime shows this fall. As usual there are tons of shows, and most likely quite a few sleepers you’ll only chance upon when the “dust have settled”. Looking at what fans are most excited about, I get a feeling animeContinue reading “The Anime Autumn Season”

Summer anime recommendations

As the summer season is ending and the autumn season is upon us with a whole range of new anime titles it’s time to pick a few of greats from this summer’s season. As usual I’m behind the curve and haven’t seen that many fresh series this summer. Some are also ongoing and most probablyContinue reading “Summer anime recommendations”

Moving on from Game of Thrones? Try some anime fantasy

Game of Thrones has ended after 8 season, and although it has slipped considerably in quality these last seasons (the trouble begin back in season 5 and the botched job the showrunners did with the Dorne arc) it still was mostly an enjoyable fantasy ride. People were rightfully angered on some (if not most) ofContinue reading “Moving on from Game of Thrones? Try some anime fantasy”

Anime spring Season 2019

On March 26 a post over at referred to what the Japanese fans answered when asked what show they were looking forward to in the upcoming spring season. As the winter season is closing it’s only fitting to highlight some shows I think is worth seeing (and my list does mirror what everyone elseContinue reading “Anime spring Season 2019”

The 5 best anime opening songs of 2018

I’ll keep this short, here are the five best anime OPs of 2018 (all links/songs taken from Youtube) 5. Voracity – Myth & Roid (Overlord III) The opening to the third season of this Fantasy anime slides in to the #5 spot. Some weird rhythm changes and a smattering of English (very common in manyContinue reading “The 5 best anime opening songs of 2018”

The Best Anime of 2018

Welcome to 2019! As I’ve already written about the upcoming winter season of anime (spoiler, it is the return of several big fan favourites!) I’ll start the new year with a list of my top 10 anime shows from 2018. Looking back it has been a surprisingly good year with a list full of somewhatContinue reading “The Best Anime of 2018”

Anime Winter Season 2019

As we approach Christmas I’m currently binging through a few sports animes from the past seasons. Having just finished Harukana Receive (Beach volleyball) and Hanebado! (Badminton) from this summer season I’m now getting through 3-gatsu no Lion season 1 and 2 (Shogi) which began back in 2016. I was a fan of Honey & CloverContinue reading “Anime Winter Season 2019”

Go watch Asobi Asobase

Probably the funniest anime show this summer season was Asobi Asobase. 12 episodes aired between July 8 and September 23 (available for international streaming via It’s based on the ongoing manga series written and illustrated by Rin Suzukawa (currently collected in 6 volumes). At a glance it might appear to be your regular sliceContinue reading “Go watch Asobi Asobase”

Check out Hataraku Saibō (Cells at Work!)

The anime summer season has finished and the anime autumn has just begun. This means that the shows that started airing during the summer has aired their last episode and I can begin to binges some of the recent shows. One that I finished over the weekend and that I can recommend was Hataraku SaibōContinue reading “Check out Hataraku Saibō (Cells at Work!)”

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