Moving on from Game of Thrones? Try some anime fantasy

Game of Thrones has ended after 8 season, and although it has slipped considerably in quality these last seasons (the trouble begin back in season 5 and the botched job the showrunners did with the Dorne arc) it still was mostly an enjoyable fantasy ride. People were rightfully angered on some (if not most) ofContinue reading “Moving on from Game of Thrones? Try some anime fantasy”

Anime Spring Season: What to watch

April is quickly approaching and with that a new season of anime shows. As usually I’m way behind the curve on previous seasons, but there is of course a few I’m awaiting with big expectations. Here’s a quick look on what’s instore for anime fans this spring. The sequels The season brings several sequels toContinue reading “Anime Spring Season: What to watch”

Anime: catching up on Berserk

This spring (April) the Berserk anime series from last fall will continue with a new season. This is of course just the latest in a long list of various adaptation of the popular manga, a franchise who has seen its share of frustration for the fans The beginning Berserk is a dark fantasy franchise whichContinue reading “Anime: catching up on Berserk”

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