My top 5 most played board games

I’ve played board games pretty much my entire life but it was during my days as a student it became a bit more serious with games becoming more advance. Even later on I discovered the wonderful boardgamegeek-site, and have since recorded every game I’ve played with details on results, who played, play time etc. MyContinue reading “My top 5 most played board games”

30 years of Drizzt Do’Urden

30 years ago, the novel The Crystal Shard was published, the first book in the Icewind Dale trilogy and the first novel by the since prolific fantasy author R. A. Salvatore.  Set in the D&D world Forgotten Realms it introduced a character that has grown into one of the most recognizable icons of D&D, namelyContinue reading “30 years of Drizzt Do’Urden”

Kickstarter + tabletop games, the ups and downs

Crowdfunding has become a big factor in the tabletop game industry., the biggest crowdfunding site saw an increase of 30% in the games category (encompassing both video and tabletop games) just last year, and it’s all thanks to more and more tabletop games. Polygon did an article on the fact in January and it’sContinue reading “Kickstarter + tabletop games, the ups and downs”

5 tips for a great game night

So you enjoy playing board games and have a couple of like minded friends, but still have trouble making the most of your get togethers? Here’s a few tips used in my gaming groups to make game night run as smoothly and enjoyable as possible. 1 Deciding on a date, location and time frame MostContinue reading “5 tips for a great game night”

80’s throwback Thursday

Instead of an ordinary board game review, today I’ll do something new and take a peek at my childhood memories concerning board games with a look at three older games that I played a lot as a child. Hotel Originally released way back in 1974, my version is the 1988 Norwegian edition by MB Spill.Continue reading “80’s throwback Thursday”

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