FIDE Grand Prix Moscow – round 1

The first leg of this candidates cycle FIDE Grand Prix kicked off on Friday. Today (Sunday) the first tiebreaks begin, but out of 8 mini-matches just 2 return for the tiebreak day. Here’s a short recap of what has happened so far and my initial impressions. Round 1 – game 1 One big question goingContinue reading “FIDE Grand Prix Moscow – round 1”

Chess update: Carlsen wins, IMSA and FiDe Grand Prix series

Time for another chess update. The chess calendar is jam packed with events so here’s a recap of the latest Carlsen-tournament and two upcoming events this week. Grand Chess Tour – Côte d’Ivoire rapid & blitz The first leg of this year’s Grand Chess Tour finished on Sunday. This year the tour started in CôteContinue reading “Chess update: Carlsen wins, IMSA and FiDe Grand Prix series”

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