Games played: Week 14

Another week into the corona-pandemic and things are proceeding fairly quiet here in Norway. Still no time for game nights, but a solid mix of board games played over the internet and with my family means I “filled my quota” of board games this week as well. Can’t Stop # of plays (online): 4 ThisContinue reading “Games played: Week 14”

Games played: week 13

How are you all holding up in your isolation inspiration stations during this corona-pandemic? Personally things aren’t that different from how my week usually looks like – most of my work has been done from home for many years now. There aren’t game nights being organized, but I can still play games solo and withContinue reading “Games played: week 13”

Games played: week 12

The corona-pandemic isn’t really putting a damper on the amount of board games that get played. With the family under 1 roof it also means several tight fights in games fit for all ages. Scrabble # of plays: 4 Scrabble is an old classic that gets some game play when the family is gathered, andContinue reading “Games played: week 12”

Games played: week 11

With Norway enforcing widespread quarantine rules our usual game night got cancelled, but that didn’t mean I didn’t get to play board games. For when you are stuck inside, what better than to play some games? This week was also spent rummaging through the cellar uncovering some board games from my childhood. Trails of TucanaContinue reading “Games played: week 11”

Games played: week 10

Not that much games played this last week, but got to try out some new games and that’s always fun On Mars # of plays: 1 First up was a “rematch” of On Mars, this time with 3 players. Having gotten a bit more familiar with the game, this time I ended up winning. WhileContinue reading “Games played: week 10”

Games played: Week 9

The week was a combination of multiple solo plays and a game night featuring the big and complex new boardgame On Mars designed by Vital Lacerda. On Mars # of plays: 1 Let’s begin with On Mars. It was my first time playing the game, finishing in second place in a four player game. TheContinue reading “Games played: Week 9”

Games played: Week 8

This last week I didn’t get to play too much, but I did pull some games from the collection which I hadn’t played for several years. Suburbia # of plays: 1 Suburbia is a game published in 2012 and designed by Ted Alspach. The theme is a familiar one, where players set out building theContinue reading “Games played: Week 8”

Games played: Week 7

This last week was very short on board gaming, only managing to find time for a couple of solo games. I did however finally get to play a game that have been collection dust in my collection for far too long. Arctic Scavengers # of plays: 1 Arctic Scavengers was originally released back in 2009,Continue reading “Games played: Week 7”

Games played: Week 6

Last week I got to play some great games I hadn’t played in a long time, I really need to get a bit more organized and play some great games more often. Scythe # of plays: 1 Scythe is a great game, but I hadn’t played it since January 2019 (yes I know, much tooContinue reading “Games played: Week 6”

Games played: week 5

This last week was filled with playing several board games, also a healthy dose of various solo games. Herbaceous # of plays: 2 Herbaceous is a colourful card game for 1 to 4 players. Last week I played 2 solo games, the first plays since August 2019. In 2019 it also was reimplemented in HerbaceousContinue reading “Games played: week 5”

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