GCT in Croatia, does Norway Chess need fixing and Carlsen staging a chess coup?

A lot is happening in the chess world so here’s a update of some of the biggest headlines. Fixing Norway Chess? As expected Carlsen won this year’s edition of Altibox Norway Chess, and as expected the new format with armageddon in the case of ties in the classic games was controversial en sparked a lotContinue reading “GCT in Croatia, does Norway Chess need fixing and Carlsen staging a chess coup?”

Chess update: Carlsen wins, IMSA and FiDe Grand Prix series

Time for another chess update. The chess calendar is jam packed with events so here’s a recap of the latest Carlsen-tournament and two upcoming events this week. Grand Chess Tour – Côte d’Ivoire rapid & blitz The first leg of this year’s Grand Chess Tour finished on Sunday. This year the tour started in CôteContinue reading “Chess update: Carlsen wins, IMSA and FiDe Grand Prix series”

Sinquefield Cup wrap-up and the upcoming Saint Louis Rapid & Blitz

The Sinquefield cup 2017 is over, and again we had Magnus Carlsen & MVL battle for the top positions (like they did in Paris) but this time MVL won with 6/9 while Carlsen tied for second with Anand on 5.5/9. While the dust is just settling after a great tournament all chess eyes are stillContinue reading “Sinquefield Cup wrap-up and the upcoming Saint Louis Rapid & Blitz”

Grand Chess Tour 2017: 1st leg Paris

The third season of Grand Chess Tour (GCT) kicks off with its first leg in Paris on Wednesday with a Rapid and Blitz tournament ending on Sunday 25th. This will be followed shortly by another rapid and blitz tournament in Leuven, Belgium (June 28th to July 2nd). So let’s first take a look on theContinue reading “Grand Chess Tour 2017: 1st leg Paris”

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