Games played: week 30

It has been a hot week, with 30+C/85+F so I feel you just don’t feel like playing any lengthy and complex board games, but I still managed to get enough energy to play plenty of short roll-and-write games, and I did have a game night when we again played Gloomhaven (it didn’t end well). GloomhavenContinue reading “Games played: week 30”

Games played: Week 16

It wasn’t time for much board games over the Easter holiday, but managed to squeeze a few games in here and there, and even hit a milestone in one of the games. Gloomhaven # of plays: 2 After these two scenarios I’ve played a total of 34 scenarios of Gloomhaven. This has been with 3Continue reading “Games played: Week 16”

Games played: week 9

A bit slower week, but I still managed a fair bit of games, both solo, with the family and continuing the Gloomhaven campaign I’m in (having already died twice and not yet retired a single character…) Tsuro # of plays: 7 Tsuro is the most recent board game in my collection. A family-friendly abstract gameContinue reading “Games played: week 9”

Games played: Week 5

No solo play last week, but three game nights and plenty of really solid and entertaining board games played. Terraforming Mars # of plays: 1 Terraforming is a brilliant game. We played with the Elysium & Hellas expansion (different boards) and I managed to win in a fairly close race (3 players). I personally don’tContinue reading “Games played: Week 5”

Games played: week 47

A varied and fun week at the board games this time, which included both some Gloomhaven campaigning, a standard game day on Sunday and even a solo play. Through the Ages: A Story of Civilization # of plays: 2 I received TTA as birthday present this year, but haven’t really got to play it much.Continue reading “Games played: week 47”

Games played: week 44

Two game nights but not much solo-play this past week. Here’s a quick runthrough of what games I played from Monday (October 29) to Sunday (November 4); Magic Maze # of plays: 2 Magic Maze was a game I hadn’t played before. It’s a family friendly game, a co-op played in real time. We playedContinue reading “Games played: week 44”

Games played: Week 43

Another fairly quite week gamewise. We didn’t manage to organize an ordinary game night, but due to the scheduled RPG session got canceled I did manage to squeeze in two evenings of Gloomhaven. Gloomhaven # of plays: 4 My current character continued to stay alive (those who know be knows that’s no little feat, againContinue reading “Games played: Week 43”

My top 5 most played board games

I’ve played board games pretty much my entire life but it was during my days as a student it became a bit more serious with games becoming more advance. Even later on I discovered the wonderful boardgamegeek-site, and have since recorded every game I’ve played with details on results, who played, play time etc. MyContinue reading “My top 5 most played board games”

Kickstarter + tabletop games, the ups and downs

Crowdfunding has become a big factor in the tabletop game industry., the biggest crowdfunding site saw an increase of 30% in the games category (encompassing both video and tabletop games) just last year, and it’s all thanks to more and more tabletop games. Polygon did an article on the fact in January and it’sContinue reading “Kickstarter + tabletop games, the ups and downs”

The woeful tale of Tina Goldheart (Gloomhaven)

Three game days into the Gloomhaven campaign and 7 scenarios played  (some won, some failed) we  have our first casualty – the beloved Tina Goldheart (scoundrel). As mentioned in my review of the game back in February 2 we decided to play with the optional permanent death rule and this came back to bite myContinue reading “The woeful tale of Tina Goldheart (Gloomhaven)”

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