Games played: Week 7

This last week was very short on board gaming, only managing to find time for a couple of solo games. I did however finally get to play a game that have been collection dust in my collection for far too long. Arctic Scavengers # of plays: 1 Arctic Scavengers was originally released back in 2009,Continue reading “Games played: Week 7”

Games played: week 31

An unusual slow gaming week, with just a few hours solo gaming on Sunday, but number of complete games are high as these solo games are quick to play. NMBR 9 (AKA 0-9) # of plays: 5 With more than 60 games logged over at boardgamegeek, for me, NMBR 9 is easily the most playedContinue reading “Games played: week 31”

Games played: week 47

A varied and fun week at the board games this time, which included both some Gloomhaven campaigning, a standard game day on Sunday and even a solo play. Through the Ages: A Story of Civilization # of plays: 2 I received TTA as birthday present this year, but haven’t really got to play it much.Continue reading “Games played: week 47”

Games played: Week 41

I’m starting a new on this site, each Sunday I’ll do a short summary of the board games I’ve played during the week. This first post will be for games played in week 41 (October 8-14), not a massive gaming-week but it’s a start. Gloomhaven # of plays: 1 I hadn’t played a scenario sinceContinue reading “Games played: Week 41”

Tabletop review: Herbaceous

Today I take a look at Herbaceous by Pencil First Games, a recent card game and a new addition to my collection. It has a rather unremarkable ranking of 1039th on Boardgamegeek, but is a game worth checking out. Overview Herbaceous was released in 2017 by Eduardo Baraf (game production), Steve Finn (game design) andContinue reading “Tabletop review: Herbaceous”

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