Homebrew rules part III: Lingering injuries and natural healing

Let us dwell further into the homebrew rules for my ongoing Storm King’s Thunder D&D 5e campaign. Last time I wrote about our modified critical hit rules, so it’s only fitting that I’ll write about injuries this time. Combat is an essential part of any D&D campaign, and is easily the most complex part ofContinue reading “Homebrew rules part III: Lingering injuries and natural healing”

Homebrew rules part II: critical hits and fumbles

Let’s continue going through the homebrew rules I currently use in my Storm King’s Thunder DnD 5e campaign. Today we’ll look at critical hits, as well as critical fumbles. Critical hits Critical hits are a part of the normal rules of 5e, but as written they are a bit nerfed compared to previous edition. WhereContinue reading “Homebrew rules part II: critical hits and fumbles”

Storm King’s Thunder: Homebrew rules part I

Let’s talk about homebrew rules! I’ve recently started a new campaign using the D&D 5e system. As usual I’ve proposed various homebrew rules for the campaign, and we’ve decided on quite a few small and big tweaks to the game. In these posts I’ll give a rundown of what these rules are, why they whereContinue reading “Storm King’s Thunder: Homebrew rules part I”

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