Kingmaker session XXIII: Home sweet home

We had our 23rd session in our rather epic Pathfinder adventure path campaign – Kingmaker. Last session ended with us stuck deep in hostile territory, or so we believed. Our spirits were low, Jonah had just been brought back from the dead with our only scroll of resurrection and we were seriously considering turning tailsContinue reading “Kingmaker session XXIII: Home sweet home”

Kingmaker XXI: Entering Olah-Kakanket

Our 21st session in the Kingmaker adventure path took place on last Tuesday (May 8.). We picked up the action as the centaurs had just told us about the legendary site Olah-Kakanket (The Valley of the Dead) after we mentioned Vordakai’s island. The previous sessions summary can be found here. Again we had a classicContinue reading “Kingmaker XXI: Entering Olah-Kakanket”

Kingmaker session XVIII: Exploring Varnhold – Swarms, swarms and more swarms!

We got another short session done in the late morning/early afternoon of Tuesday April 24. We picked up where we left as our characters started to investigate what seems to be the abandoned town of Varnhold (check out the previous recap if you haven’t already). This time it was all classic RPG exploring where weContinue reading “Kingmaker session XVIII: Exploring Varnhold – Swarms, swarms and more swarms!”

30 years of Drizzt Do’Urden

30 years ago, the novel The Crystal Shard was published, the first book in the Icewind Dale trilogy and the first novel by the since prolific fantasy author R. A. Salvatore.  Set in the D&D world Forgotten Realms it introduced a character that has grown into one of the most recognizable icons of D&D, namelyContinue reading “30 years of Drizzt Do’Urden”

Kingmaker session XVII: The Grand Ball and trouble at Varnhold

On Thursday we got another session of the Kingmaker-campaign under our belt. The previous session was just kingdom-building  as we basically race through a year expanding and building our beloved Caerberia. As described in the previous recap we skipped the grand ball held on 31. of Lamashan. We where looking for a suitable spouse forContinue reading “Kingmaker session XVII: The Grand Ball and trouble at Varnhold”

KIngmaker session XVI: kingdom building and more kingdom building

After Easter we found time for another short session of our ongoing Kingmaker campaign. Our DM have mostly converted the kingdom building to those outlined in the Ultimate Campaign book by Paizo. This basically meant a lot more building and terrain improvements, but also a rather drastic change to the income phase (we’re no longerContinue reading “KIngmaker session XVI: kingdom building and more kingdom building”

Kingmaker session XIV: expanding the barony

It has been far too long since we last got together to play a RPG session, but on last Thursday we managed  to fit in a session., a session mostly about fastforwarding through a couple of months and expanding the kingdom and constructing new buildings in our fledgling capital Bearwich. As usual I’m tasked withContinue reading “Kingmaker session XIV: expanding the barony”

Kingmaker session XII & XIII: Forest drake, trolls & a huge owlbear

Todays update from our ongoing Kingmaker campaign actually cover three separate dates of roleplaying. We had planned a session on January 22th but it was cut very short by a power outage in my neighbourhood. We picked up the thread on Thursday February 1 and that is basically session XII. Then Saturday (February 3.) cameContinue reading “Kingmaker session XII & XIII: Forest drake, trolls & a huge owlbear”

Tabletop Review: Gloomhaven

Last weekend I finally got to test Gloomhaven, the currently ranked the #1 board game over at boardgamegeek and obviously a vastly popular game. Before I go into more details I must inform readers that I a) so fare only have played 2 scenarios b) It’s a legacy-game so it might be a bit unfairContinue reading “Tabletop Review: Gloomhaven”

Kingmaker session X: A new year begins

Our first RPG session was held last Sunday (January 7th), tenth overall, as we continued our adventures in the Kingmaker path. Starting early (9:30!) we played for about 7 hours, covering about 2,5 month of game days (things move along at a swift pace in this campaign). Our expansion of the kingdom Caerberia is movingContinue reading “Kingmaker session X: A new year begins”

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