Behind the GM screen (part IV): NPCs

Non-player characters (NPCs) are the most important tool for a GM. They flesh out the world; they can drive the campaign forward and give someone the players can interact with. They can create memorable rivals, an unforgettable main villain, a romantic interest, friend or comic relief. If you plan to have something more than endlessContinue reading “Behind the GM screen (part IV): NPCs”

Behind the GM screen (part III): Tokens

When using maps in Pathfinder and similar rpg-system you need something to represent the player characters, npc’s and monsters. With digital maps as those facilitated through Roll20 you use tokens and with them you also get some nice benefits. Anything placed on the token layer in Roll20 will function as token, and with the rightContinue reading “Behind the GM screen (part III): Tokens”

Behind the GM screen (part II): Maps

In the ongoing series about what’s happening behind the GM screen, I now would like to say something about maps, and especially on using the Roll20-webpage with maps. Maps are of course essential for almost any roleplay game, and this is definitively the case with Pathfinder. This is of course not hard to understand, theContinue reading “Behind the GM screen (part II): Maps”

Behind the GM screen (part 1): The Beginning

The last 25 years I’ve played various rpg, both as a player and a dm/gm/keeper.  How often we play have fluctuated through the years, but the last two years we’ve played Pathfinder (the evolved version of 3.5 D&D published by Paizo) rather regularly*. Currently I’m the Gamemaster (gm) for the adventure path Carrion Crown, andContinue reading “Behind the GM screen (part 1): The Beginning”

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