Games played: week 12

The corona-pandemic isn’t really putting a damper on the amount of board games that get played. With the family under 1 roof it also means several tight fights in games fit for all ages. Scrabble # of plays: 4 Scrabble is an old classic that gets some game play when the family is gathered, andContinue reading “Games played: week 12”

Games played: week 44

Last week I didn’t get to play much games as most of my spare time was spent watching the Fischer Random Chess world championship. I did however finally get to test another Kickstarter game I backed. Microbrew # of plays: 1 Microbrew was first a print-and-play game published back in 2017, but with a successfulContinue reading “Games played: week 44”

Games played: Week 32

Finally a busy week of gaming, some games that frequently hit to the table and a few I hadn’t played in years Azul: Stained Glass of Sintra # of plays: 3 A friend of my borrowed this game for a few weeks so I hadn’t played it in a while, but got to play itContinue reading “Games played: Week 32”

Games played: Week 13

In the previous week I got to test several new games, among them some of the best new games of 2018. While it was fun trying new games, I can’t say my performance was up to scratch, getting outplayed or getting pipped at the finish line a bit too often (in my excuse, some ofContinue reading “Games played: Week 13”

Games played: week 12

This week I got to test 2 new games and 1 new expansion i what was a pretty varied gaming week Dominant Species # of plays: 1 Starting at the end, on Sunday I got to test Dominant Species for the firs time. This rather complex worker-placement/war-game is ranked as high as 49. over atContinue reading “Games played: week 12”

Games played: week 8

Week 8 was a busy week of board gaming, starting of with a dozen solo plays, two game nights and several new games tested. Sagrada # of plays: 12 I recently bought the expansion to Sagrada, which main purpose is bumping the game from 1-4 to 1-6 players. In addition to more dice and playerContinue reading “Games played: week 8”


Another busy week with not much gaming getting done. I’ll keep it short and only hope that things pick up the coming week. Tramways Engineer’s Workbook # of plays: 3 Three more plays under the belt. I’m still very much a novice, but it’s a fun little game trying to crack the various puzzles presentedContinue reading “GAMES PLAYED: WEEK 50”

Games played: week 48

Always busy going into December so managed only to squeeze in a short board game session. It was family-themed with 2 short and colour games fitting for the whole family. Sagrada # of plays: 2 Sagrada is a game I keep returning to, and with good reason. It’s fast, fun and with good looking components.Continue reading “Games played: week 48”

Games played: Week 42 (a solo week)

Time for another summary of games played over the week. Due to other engagements I only had time to play some solo games, luckily this week I also received 2 of the games I’ve backed on Kickstarter so in game terms it was still a pretty busy week. Sagrada # of plays: 8 It hadContinue reading “Games played: Week 42 (a solo week)”

Tabletop review: Sagrada

You maybe wondering why there’s been so few new posts these last few days, and the reason is simple – Winter Olympics in PyeongChang. Norway is raking in the medals and is setting records right and left. Well, today I’ve managed to find a few hours and write a review of one of the gamesContinue reading “Tabletop review: Sagrada”

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