FIDE Grand Swiss 10-21 October

Today the FIDE Grand Swiss begins on Isle of Man. This event has usually been a well attended Open chess tournament but this year things have changed. FIDE have teamed up with and together with the Isle of Man hosts created a Grand Swiss tournament for the top rated players (and some wildcards).Continue reading “FIDE Grand Swiss 10-21 October”

Carlsen wins TATA STEEL Chess

The 80th edition of Tata Steel Chess ended on Sunday with Magnus Carlsen winning the playoff against Anish Giri. With that win Carlsen is off to a great start in 2018, a very important year with everything to play for in November when he again will have to defend his WC title. The event hasContinue reading “Carlsen wins TATA STEEL Chess”

Tata Steel Chess – a quick summary after 5 rounds

We’re five rounds into the 80th edition of Tata Steel Chess, but we’re not even half-way through the tournament. Let’s  take a quick look  on how the tournament  is shaping up, both for the Masters and Challengers group. THE MASTERS GROUP After five rounds most of the players are still fairly closely bunched together. ThreeContinue reading “Tata Steel Chess – a quick summary after 5 rounds”

Preview Tata Steel Chess 2018

2018 starts with one of the highlights  of  anyone’s chess calendar, namely the 80th edition of Tata Steel Chess. Besides being one of the the tournaments with the longest history, it’s a13 round-robin format is pretty unique among the top tournaments. It’s also well-known to get some of the biggest stars (Magnus Carslen is playingContinue reading “Preview Tata Steel Chess 2018”

Preview: Tata Steel Chess tournament

The Tata Steel Chess Tournament kicks off the chess year, a tournament with long traditions which can be stretched all the way back to 1938. This year is the 79th edition. The tournament is also known as Wijk aan Zee, the seaside town where the tournament has been held since 1968 and where 11 ofContinue reading “Preview: Tata Steel Chess tournament”

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