Games played: week 11

With Norway enforcing widespread quarantine rules our usual game night got cancelled, but that didn’t mean I didn’t get to play board games. For when you are stuck inside, what better than to play some games? This week was also spent rummaging through the cellar uncovering some board games from my childhood. Trails of TucanaContinue reading “Games played: week 11”

Games played: Week 9

The week was a combination of multiple solo plays and a game night featuring the big and complex new boardgame On Mars designed by Vital Lacerda. On Mars # of plays: 1 Let’s begin with On Mars. It was my first time playing the game, finishing in second place in a four player game. TheContinue reading “Games played: Week 9”

Games played: Week 8

This last week I didn’t get to play too much, but I did pull some games from the collection which I hadn’t played for several years. Suburbia # of plays: 1 Suburbia is a game published in 2012 and designed by Ted Alspach. The theme is a familiar one, where players set out building theContinue reading “Games played: Week 8”

Games played: week 1

The last few weeks of December were basically free for board games, but now it’s 2020 and hopefully the beginning of a year filled with even more board games (last year ended with 528 plays recorded). This first week includes New Year’ Day and several plays from various Christmas gifts I received (some plays areContinue reading “Games played: week 1”

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