Kingmaker session XXXI: Speartooth

As we left our adventures in the middle of exploring the boggard camp, we had to make time for a new session fairly quickly, or we would start forgetting thing and misplace the notes with what resources we spent and so on. So we where back for another session of Kingmaker last week, successfully finishingContinue reading “Kingmaker session XXXI: Speartooth”

Kingmaker session XXIX

What? Three RPG-session in rapid succession? These things do happen when we can play via Roll20 and the summer holidays are upon us. On Monday we had our 29th session in our ongoing Kingmaker-campaign as we finally faced Armag the Twice-born and cleared out the rest of the legendary Armag’s tomb. According to our DMContinue reading “Kingmaker session XXIX”

Kingmaker session XXVIII: Entering Armag’s Tomb

It seems we suddenly have plenty of time for RPG as we had our latest session just yesterday. Playing RPG via Roll20-app and most players enjoying the summer holiday, we can start a session on short notice and this session was suggested Friday afternoon and took place on Saturday. This was a combat-intensive session asContinue reading “Kingmaker session XXVIII: Entering Armag’s Tomb”

Kingmaker session XXVII: Rescuing maidens and fighting Barbarians

We had our 27th session of our ongoing Kingmaker campaign this week. In our previous session back in June we had just liberated Fort Drelev, but also learnt the presumed camp of the barbarian king Armag (twice born). We pick up the action as we decide what is next, again chronicled as pages taken fromContinue reading “Kingmaker session XXVII: Rescuing maidens and fighting Barbarians”

Kingmaker session XXXI: Drelev Keep

Having gone many weeks between session this latest session took place on Sunday, just a week since the previous session. As we ended just as the alarm had sounded and alerted the whole keep it was a good thing we managed to arrange a session so soon. This time we did clear the keep andContinue reading “Kingmaker session XXXI: Drelev Keep”

Kingmaker session XXX: infiltrate Fort Drelev

On Monday it was time for another rpg-session in our ongoing Kingmaker-campaign. In real life it is slow going with the previous session taking place mid-April, but we soldier on. As usual the recap is in the form of diary entries by one of my characters, the gnome sorcerer Valeníthumbkhas (the other being a humanContinue reading “Kingmaker session XXX: infiltrate Fort Drelev”

Kingmaker Session XXIX: Avenging the Wedding

It has been far to long since last session in our ongoing Pathfinder Kingmaker-campaign. way back in early December we had our 28th session and now close to Easter we got to the 29th session, picking up the action directly where we left it (basically our version of the red wedding). There are of courseContinue reading “Kingmaker Session XXIX: Avenging the Wedding”

Kingmaker session XXVIII: The Red Wedding

In my current RPG group we’re both few on players and with the bad habit of not having a fixed schedule for when to play some RPG (as mentioned in the previous update, it was months between session 26 and 27). On the plus side, with few players and playing over Roll20 it’s easy to Continue reading “Kingmaker session XXVIII: The Red Wedding”

Kingmaker session XXVII: The return of the Kingmakers

We finally had our 27th session in our ongoing Kingmaker campaign this Wednesday (Pathfinder RPG for those of you who don’t know, or just have forgotten it). The last update was way back in the end of August when we had a big boss fight that almost ended in total party kill… You might suspect weContinue reading “Kingmaker session XXVII: The return of the Kingmakers”

Kingmaker session XXVI: Boss battle = TPK?

The previous session our heroes returned to Olah-Kakanket searching for the reason to why of all these zombie cyclopes kept appearing just south-east of our border. We felt prepared and was probably heading for a boss battle (the end of each book of the adventure path usually end with a big boss battle). A likelyContinue reading “Kingmaker session XXVI: Boss battle = TPK?”

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