Kingmaker session XXIII: Home sweet home

We had our 23rd session in our rather epic Pathfinder adventure path campaign – Kingmaker. Last session ended with us stuck deep in hostile territory, or so we believed. Our spirits were low, Jonah had just been brought back from the dead with our only scroll of resurrection and we were seriously considering turning tailsContinue reading “Kingmaker session XXIII: Home sweet home”

Kingmaker session XVIII: Exploring Varnhold – Swarms, swarms and more swarms!

We got another short session done in the late morning/early afternoon of Tuesday April 24. We picked up where we left as our characters started to investigate what seems to be the abandoned town of Varnhold (check out the previous recap if you haven’t already). This time it was all classic RPG exploring where weContinue reading “Kingmaker session XVIII: Exploring Varnhold – Swarms, swarms and more swarms!”

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