Games played: Week 14

Another week into the corona-pandemic and things are proceeding fairly quiet here in Norway. Still no time for game nights, but a solid mix of board games played over the internet and with my family means I “filled my quota” of board games this week as well. Can’t Stop # of plays (online): 4 ThisContinue reading “Games played: Week 14”

Games Played: Week 14 (MidgardCon)

The past week comprised of quite a lot of solo play and a visit to MidgardCon, the local gaming convention that is held yearly on historical grounds in Vestfold (Borrehaugene) in a reconstructed viking mead or feasting hall (Gildehall in Norwegian) Viticulture Essential Edition # of plays: 6 Viticulture is a game that I haven’tContinue reading “Games Played: Week 14 (MidgardCon)”

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